Featured Advice

Our volunteers at ElderWisdomCircle dispense such wise, warm-hearted advice that we couldn’t resist sharing some gems with you too. If you want to ask for advice right now check out the ask for advice page  

We post a new problem and the advice here twice per week so check back regularly (or subscribe)  to find out what’s bothering our young letter writers, and what their wise older mentors have to say about it.

I hope you’ll feel inspired to apply their wisdom to your own life—and remember, if there’s something on your mind, our elders are always here to help.

Doug Meckelson


Will I meet someone like me?

This college student is finding it hard to make friends.  You’ll never find someone exactly like you, says our elder ...

/ / Other

I’m in love with my best friend

Ouch! There’s no textbook way to cope with this, says our elder.  But here are 10 suggestions for navigating the ...

I just want to be sad for a bit

This letter writer is struggling to love and accept herself.  Our elder says it’s fine to stay with your feelings ...

/ / Other

My mind is a tornado

How can I stop the chaos?  You aren’t alone, says our elder. Try countering your negative emotions with positive thoughts ...

/ / Self-Improvement

Friend or competitor?

This letter writer is feeling annoyed and suspects that her friend is in competition with her.  That sounds about right, ...

/ / Friendship

Too shy to ask for her number 

I really like this girl in my lab group, but I’m too nervous to ask her out.  You have nothing ...

I “helped” a friend. Uh-oh.

She said I cared too much and now she’s not talking to me.  Our elder has some advice on how ...

/ / Other

Whoah, medicine is hard!

This letter writer is having second thoughts about their career plans.  Our elder has some tips on choosing a path ...

/ / Self-Improvement

Why do I feel so lonely?

You’re grieving the loss of a friend, says our elder.  The key is to take a moment and stay with ...

/ / Friendship

Stop ignoring my daughter!

We come as a package.  Our elder has some advice for a letter writer whose boyfriend needs to change his ...