My brother’s ex generously hands down her daughter’s old clothes to our daughter, but my husband won’t accept them. How can I convince him? Our elder has a few strategies…
Is it my fault she’s depressed?
I hooked up with my best friend’s crush, and now she keeps telling me I’m the reason she’s depressed. You can’t give someone depression, says our elder. You deserve better…
A good dad (just not the drugs)
I left my ex because he did drugs and wouldn’t get a job. Trouble is, my son really misses him and they have a good relationship. Did I do the…
Too ugly for love
I’m overweight, and my self hatred is driving my boyfriend away. You are more than the numbers on a scale, says our elder. Your best years are ahead of you….
Yes, you can help!
I have been caring for my mom all on my own, but when she was in hospital all these people came out of the woodwork offering their support. Now she’s…
Why doesn’t she want sex?
My girlfriend won’t even sext online anymore — and I have needs! Women feel under pressure to perform, says our elder. Have a talk with her, and make her feel…
Triggered by volleyball coach
I was traumatized by my volleyball team, and even after switching colleges I still can’t let it go. Our elder has some suggestions for getting a monkey off your back…
What if I don’t get in?
There’s only one university I want to go to, and I’m scared for my mental health if they don’t accept me. How can I avoid the downward spiral? Our elder…
OK so you lost 50 pounds…
… but can you quit boasting about it now? Also: please stop with the drinking. Our elder counsels a letter writer who has multiple problems in her marriage. Dear EWC…
Blocked from my brother
My mom and brother had a bust-up, and I can’t afford to go and see him (he’s in the military) without her knowing. Our elder wouldn’t normally suggest going behind…