My daughter is very private — it’s just who she is. But she’s acting up at school and she won’t tell me why. How can I get her to open…
All I want to do is sleep
My current job makes me so stressed. Is it worth going back to my former company, even if it’s lower pay? Don’t think about it as losing dollars, says our…
I don’t “love” my stepdaughter
My fiancé’s daughter has been in my life for three years, but I don’t feel that I love her yet. Is this wrong? Don’t be so hard on yourself, says…
Do nude pics count as cheating?
My girlfriend forgave me for accepting a nude from someone else, but I still feel bad. The past is past, says our elder. You’re not a cheater; just curious. Dear…
I’m scared of other people…
… but I need a job and my brother depends on me. Can our elder persuade a self-confessed “bedroom lurker” to take the first step? Dear EWC So I’ve been…
Rejected by new school friends
They’ve all known each other since 5th grade… how can I get them to let me into their conversations? It’s not easy when you’re new, says our elder. But there…
What did my aunt do to me?
Every time I think about her, I cry — but I don’t remember what happened. It’s time you took some steps to find out, say our elders. Whatever you discover,…
Blocked by my LDR
My boyfriend accused me of being fake and now he’s ghosted me. I didn’t do anything wrong! It sounds like he did you a favor, says our elder. You deserve…
I don’t deserve my 7 kids!
Every day I feel like a terrible mother — how can I live with feeling like I don’t deserve them? Stop feeling guilty, says our elder, and start treating yourself…
Wedding dress woes
My brother’s girlfriend wants to come to my wedding dress fittings but it’s getting kinda crowded. Am I being unreasonable? Not at all, says our elder. Stand up for yourself,…