I gave her flowers, but now she’s hugging her ex on social media. Our elder has some reassuring words for a shy letter writer dipping a toe into the dating…
She’s pushing me away
My girlfriend is in pain and can’t handle a relationship. The only thing you can do is back off and give her space, says our elder. Dear EWC Hello…
Taylor Swift movie: yes or no?
The thing is, I have tickets to see her in concert next year. Our elder consults her granddaughter for help with this dilemma. Dear EWC Hello! I am currently…
IT is giving me anxiety
This letter writer felt pressured into taking IT classes – and it’s stressing them out. Talk to your parents, says our elder. Trust them to help you through. Dear…
He has beautiful lips
Our elder has some words of wisdom for a letter writer who is still attracted to his married best friend. Dear EWC I sometimes find myself confused. I lack…
I love his good parts…
But when he’s low, it really hurts. Our elders have some advice for a letter writer whose boyfriend is struggling with bi-polar. First, he needs to seek help. Dear…
Does Santa exist?
This letter writer wants to believe again. Luckily, our elder knows Santa personally… Dear EWC I don’t really believe in Santa and some articles say yes, he is real…
Will I be too old?
This letter writer wants to take a gap year before med school but is worried about being older than their classmates. Our elder helps them overcome their “age consciousness”. Dear…
He deleted my number
It hurts! Our elder has some advice for a letter writer whose ex won’t pick up the phone. It’s time to move on. Dear EWC I met this guy…