How can I help my codependent in-laws without getting sucked into their madness? You can’t change their behaviour, says our elder — but you can change your own attitude. Stop…
First kiss fears
My girlfriend and I are nervous about our first kiss — it will be the first time for both of us. Any tips? You can’t plan a kiss, says our…
Stop being so stubborn
A letter writer feels that she’s too argumentative, and she wants to change. It’s good to stand up for what you believe in, says our elder. How about channeling your…
I’ve got the college jitters!
I’m excited to head off to college — but scared at the same time. Can our elder help a high school senior prepare for the next stage? Dear EWC Hello!…
Lonely old lady’s poison pen
I used to have a good relationship with an elderly neighbor, but then she started leaving me nasty letters under the door… How can I resolve this peacefully? Our elder…
BF won’t let me reduce my GGs!
I really want to have a breast reduction to help with severe back pain, but my boyfriend says he won’t be attracted to me anymore. What should I do? Run,…
Dying grandad is inappropriate
My grandfather keeps saying hurtful, sexually inappropriate things… but he’s dying. Should I spend time with him? There’s no right answer to this one, says our elder. You have to…
My wife and my mom: It’s war!
Ever since my son was born, my wife and my mom have not gotten along. How can I help? Support your wife, says our elder, and have a quiet talk…
No job, I feel like a moron
A young letter writer is struggling to land their first job. It sounds like you’re doing everything right, says our elder — it just takes time and luck. Dear EWC…
Too young to cry
There have been a lot of deaths in my family but I feel that I don’t have the right to cry about it when older relatives are grieving. Of course,…