When a letter writer gave her friends some anonymous gifts, it wasn’t actually appreciated. Maybe you’re overthinking this, suggests our elder. I’ve had this group of friends for four years…
Congrats on the wedding…
…but maybe you should have told me about my daughter’s new stepmother? A letter writer is dumbfounded when her ex gets married again without telling her. Be the grown-up, advises…
My boyfriend can’t dance!
Homecoming was a disaster. How can I get close to my boyfriend again? Our elder has some communication strategies. Dear EWC My boyfriend and I went to homecoming dance. I…
No way to treat the nanny
A letter writer is confused about how her employer is treating her. Get the hell out of there, says our elder. Dear EWC I am live-in nanny. I have been…
My coworker smells of weed!
Should I say something? Best leave it alone, says our elder. Dear EWC OK so a coworker of mine who I’ve become friends with came into work smelling like weed….
About that secret video camera…
I just found out that my fiancé put a camera in our bedroom. Should I let it slide? Er, no, says our elder. Dear EWC, My fiancé and I have…
They scooped my wedding pics!
Her in-laws posted all their wedding photos on social media first, and now nobody’s talking. Was she right to make a fuss? We-ell, says our elder… Dear EWC My husband…
He’s just not #thankful
My husband’s grandson lives with us and never says thank you. Why should I keep cleaning up after him? Our elder has some strategies to help change his habits. Dear…
No dogs this Thanksgiving
Was it wrong to ask my sister not to bring her pit bull for Thanksgiving dinner? Absolutely not, says our elder Dear EWC I invited my sister and her grown…
All this drama from a yogurt?!
A letter writer can’t believe the fight she’s having over a moldy yogurt. It’s pretty crazy, agrees our elder. Dear EWC I have five friends in a friend group. We…