This letter writer is sitting the university entrance exam for the third time. Can our elder help her find the motivation to sit down and study this time? Dear…
I just hate studying
How do I tell my parents I want to drop out? First, do your due diligence, says our elder. Explore your major, then make a Plan B, and remember that…
Stressed by my online friend
I want casual conversation; he wants more. Why are you wasting your time with this person, asks our elder. Pull the plug! Dear EWC Hi, I’ve been talking to…
My crush did like me once…
But now he’s dating the most popular girl in school. What should I do? Get to know him better, says our elder. Be fearless and have fun! Dear EWC…
How to have a happy marriage
A newlywed wants to know the secret. Here’s what our elder had to say: Speak kindly to one another, pick your battles, and book date nights in your 70s. …
I think I’m a disgusting person
OCD has pushed me to the edge of my sanity. Am I alone with this? Not at all, says our elder. Reach out for professional help where you can discuss…
A fight with Mom that escalated
I hurt myself with a knife and now she wants me gone. Our elder has some advice on how to get this letter writer’s relationship with her mom back on…
Even my parents bully me!
I’ve come to terms with my eczema scars, so why can’t my family? Our elder suggests some scripts for dealing with hurtful comments. Dear EWC Hello, Thank you for…
He left flowers while I slept
That’s creepy, right? Our elder has some no-nonsense advice for a letter writer whose roommate’s behavior sounds a lot like stalking. Dear EWC I am a girl in my…
She says mean things to me
Is this relationship healthy? You should be able to have disagreements without feeling hurt or disrespected, says our elder. Tell your partner how you feel. Dear EWC I am…