How to heal after husband’s infidelity Original Letter My husband (6 years together, 4 yrs married) and I were having a difficult time in our marriage the last…
How to Choose a Career Path?
How to Choose a Career Path? Original Letter Throughout my life, I’ve had so many dreams. Some stick around and some end up fading over time. Right now,…
People Make Me Feel Like a Loser
People Make Me Feel Like a Loser Original Letter Ok so my name is tyler and I just need to vent about something that’s on my mind well…
Can This Online, Long-Distance Relationship Work?
Can This Online, Long-Distance Relationship Work? Original Letter I found this guy on a Dating site in December and we have been talking a lot and we really…
So Many Regrets
So Many Regrets Original Letter Hi! I’m finishing my freshman year of college as a music major and I have so many regrets and have made so many…
Daughter Doesn’t Know I’m Her Biological Father
Daughter Doesn’t Know I’m Her Biological Father Original Letter Hi,My daughter has not been told who her biological father is even though the mother promised me to tell…
Feeling Defeated by the Mistakes from My Last Job
Feeling Defeated by the Mistakes from My Last Job Original Letter I will be starting a new job in about 3 weeks. I had a baby about 4…
Feel Like Mom is Choosing Her New Husband Over Me
Feel Like Mom is Choosing Her New Husband Over Me Original Letter My father has passed away 4 years ago. My mother just remarried a man who she…
I’m 15, He’s 45
I’m 15, He’s 45 Original Letter hi,i recently asked for advice on this topic but i didn’t fully explain every detail. I’m a 15 year old female, the…
Husband Mistakenly Thinks I Planned to Cheat
Husband Mistakenly Thinks I Planned to Cheat Original Letter Long story short as I can my husband saw text message exchange between myself and a co worker from…