Struggling with his sexuality in a country that’s hostile to LGBT rights, this letter writer is also mourning the tragic loss of his friend. Our elder hopes that asserting his…
Marriage issues, new work crush
Could these two problems possibly be related? After struggling at home, this letter writer has developed a wandering eye. Try to fix your marriage problems first, says our elder. …
So much to do, so little time…
Time management is overwhelming, so why am I even thinking about finding a job? You can do it, says our elder. Here’s how to conquer the to-do list. Dear…
I’m not pregnant, but she is!
My girlfriend got pregnant and I’ve decided to stay with her. How can I tell my mom? Just share your truth with her, says our elder. I’m sure she’ll appreciate…
Covid derailed my dream
Two years of online lectures, social anxiety… No wonder this architecture student has lost her motivation. Take the pressure off yourself, says our elder. You are through the worst. …
Jealousy is killing me
A 15-year-old letter writer feels that she’s wasted her life because she doesn’t have close friendships. Our elder has some strategies to start boosting her self-worth. Dear EWC Hi,…
I hate my major!
Our elder has good news: Your major is not a life sentence. Meet with a college counselor, speak to your professors and explore tailoring a program that sparks your interest….
Every crush rejected me!
Am I doomed to be unlucky in love? Absolutely not, says our elder. Stop feeling desperate and the magic will happen when the time is right. Dear EWC Romance…
My friend said “Ew!”
I met this guy online but I’m embarrassed to tell my friends about him. Sounds like you should listen to your feelings, says our elder. He doesn’t sound like The…
She’s not a catfish!
This letter writer wants to reunite with his online long-distance girlfriend. Does she want him back? Our elder is not optimistic. Start exploring meeting people in real life, he says….