I’m worried that I won’t be good enough. Our elder prescribes a course of vision, passion and action to get this letter writer back on track. Dear EWC The…
When intimacy leads to shame
This letter writer fell into a depression after losing her virginity with an ex; now happily engaged, she fears the same thing happening again. Our elder has some tips on…
Help! I’m anxious around people
Sometimes I feel that I can’t even walk right. Our elder has some suggestions to help a letter writer find the courage to make stronger social connections. Dear EWC…
My friend and my manager
She went behind my back and now I have to do extra work! This letter writer is discovering that work and friendship don’t necessarily mix. Time to walk away, says…
My computer was slow today
Can I pass the cost onto my clients? Our elder advises a freelancer who is struggling with the ethics of their computer situation. Dear EWC Hello, I will go…
I’m graduating: What’s next?
One thing’s for sure: I really don’t want to move back with my parents. Our elder helps this letter writer plot a route to future happiness. Dear EWC Hi…
No, you do the meeting
My friend asked me to do her work for her because she was “busy”. Is it OK to ghost her? She’s no friend, says our elder. Ghosting is a pretty…
Is “rich and famous” a major?
This letter writer wants to know what to study at college to make their parents proud. Our elders admit they don’t have a crystal ball, but they do have some…
A birthday date with my ex?
She says she doesn’t have feelings for me anymore, but should I ask her out? Some things are hard to get over, says our elder. Ask what it would take…
My ex has a new lover
I’m still heartbroken! How can I accept the fact that she’s moved on? It’s normal to still feel sad, says our elder. Focus on the non romantic parts of your…