Choosing college courses has this letter writer all stressed out. Have a talk with your parents, says our elder. They don’t always know best. Dear EWC I am currently very…
My best friend blocked me
I forgot to hang out with him one time and now he just ignores me. Should I keep trying? Friendships come and go, says our elder. This one might have…
My travel dreams are on ice
This letter writer and his girlfriend dream of traveling the world; instead, struggling to save, they lay in bed and cry. Our elder suggests an incremental approach. Dear EWC…
When I drink, I call my ex
I miss her! Why is she ignoring me? It’s not easy to move on after a breakup, says our elder. But it’s time for you to meet new people and…
“Stop being sad and lazy”
When I told my parents about having depression, they didn’t understand. Talk to them again, says our elder. And find a trusted adult who can get you the help you…
How can I decide my future?
After doing a ton of research, this letter writer still can’t decide what to study next. Think about what gives you satisfaction, says our elder, and indulge in some positive…
Ghosted at work
My co-worker follows me on breaks but then ignores me! It’s very hurtful. You’re right, says our elder. Approach him directly to find out why he does this, and go…
Working 9-5
That’s no way to make a living. Should I quit and follow my dream? Our elder advises taking it slowly. Dear EWC I studied psychology in my undergraduate…
Loneliness is my plus one
How can I feel content being single? That’s a universal question, says our elder. Fill your life with new experiences, places and people and you’ll be amazed at what can…
My stepmom hates herself
I love her but I can’t help her. You can’t ‘fix’ your stepmom, says our elder. But if she’s creating a difficult environment, it’s worth seeking out some support for…