A letter writer isn’t close to her grandniece but wanted to send her a graduation gift anyway. Our elder is clear on this one: send the gift! Dear EWC…
Telling my boyfriend I’m bi
A letter writer is questioning her sexuality and is wondering how to approach it with her boyfriend. Talk to other people first, says our elder, and then handle it sensitively…
My friend is being a butt-face
He went to college and now he’s too busy to talk to me. Should I bring it up? College is a life-changing experience, says our elder. Reach out – but…
I’m sorry I broke your heart
This letter writer can’t stop thinking about a guy from her hometown but she hurt him very badly. Make it as right as you can, says our elder. Apologize, and…
Don’t dismiss my anxiety, Mom!
I get so anxious that I find it difficult to breathe, but my family says I’m being melodramatic. Keep talking to your counselor, says our elder, and find the methods…
Should I switch to acting?
A college student is thinking of majoring in acting but her social anxiety is a big hurdle. Why not try baby steps, suggests our elder. Try a drama group but…
Her ex is my ex; it’s a mess!
I hooked up with my close friend’s ex (well, he’s my ex too). Should I tell her? It might do more harm than good, warns our elder. Forgive yourself and…
I need to be alone
A letter writer needs space to grieve her former relationship – but her current boyfriend is in the way. You know what you need, says our elder. Give yourself that…
He wants a “break”
I know I can’t depend on my fiancé for happiness – but I don’t know how to be happy. This moment will not last forever, says our elder. Talk to…
Anxiety v my relationship
My problems are affecting my marriage; I want to fix myself. You’re smart to recognize you need help, says our elder. Make an appointment with your doctor and take it…