When choosing a university how do you decide which path to follow? Our elder says when you know what you want, you’ll know what to do. Dear EWC: In the…
A relationship worth keeping?
Our elder outlines the traits to look for when you’re deciding whether to make it work or let it go. Dear EWC: Hello! I am in an 8-month relationship and…
My dad is a Vietnam veteran
For this son, the war affected his dad in ways he can’t understand. Our elder, also a Vietnam veteran, shares his perspective and says it’s never too late to connect….
Is COVID-19 just an excuse?
We’re all questioning our choices, says our elder. But don’t let the pandemic alter the course of your future. Dear EWC: I took a gap year after my A levels…
How real is the proof?
When it comes to trust, do you believe your BF or his ex? Don’t let fear take control, says our elder. Believe in yourself and your relationship. Dear EWC: Thank…
How much is too much?
For this ambitious junior, the list is long. “Less is more,” says our elder—and he cautions against taking on everything. Dear EWC: Hi! I’m a junior in high school, and…
Is it written in the stars?
This budding writer dreams of becoming a novelist but then the doubt creeps in. Read on for words of wisdom from our elder on how to believe in yourself. Dear…
Not a fan of change?
Neither is this high school senior. Find out how our elder suggests leaving the familiar and embracing the unknown. Dear EWC: Hello, I am a senior in high school, and…
Boyfriend, may I?
Should I be asking my BF for his permission? Our elder says, “No!” and here’s why. Dear EWC: Hello, I would love to get insight from someone else, especially someone…
Filling in the gap
What to do when you’re confused about college and considering a year off? Our elder says, “Don’t rush yourself.” Dear EWC: Hi! So I am going into my senior year…