If you’re not getting along with either, our elder suggests that maybe it’s you. Here’s how to be the kind of friend you’d like to have. Dear EWC: Would going…
About that anxiety
Feeling fearful, sad, and lost? Our elder says, “You’re not alone.” These are trying times, but by helping others, you might just help yourself. Dear EWC: I’m 20 years old…
It’s all in the eyes
When you can’t stop looking at each other, what’s the next step? Our elder thinks a friendly conversation with your crush-worthy classmate might be the right move. Dear EWC: I…
When things don’t go your way
It’s time to learn how to handle disappointment, advises our elder. Rejection is a part of life. Dear EWC: Hi! I’m a 17-year-old girl in my senior year of high…
Help them help you
You try to be a good friend but your friends don’t return the favor. Our elder says in times of distress, you may have to ask for the support you…
Back on the boss’s good side
Office politics can be tricky, cautions our elder. Here’s how to regain the trust of your manager. Dear EWC: What do you do when you’ve solved a problem and your…
Out of tune with a teacher?
Chronic migraines plus a long list of obligations has this music student singing the blues. Be honest, says our elder, and have a plan to do better. Dear EWC: My…
Did I really want to break up?
When it comes to relationship advice, our elder says asking friends can complicate matters. Here’s what to ask yourself instead. Dear EWC: Hi! I just recently ended my first relationship…
I feel stuck, confused and lost
With no job and a crowded house, our elder admits that’s understandable. But not helpful. Here’s how to rethink your situation. Dear EWC: I am an 18 yr old female….
Dad’s against the relationship
What to do when you’re in long-distance love but a parent has doubts? Our elder reminds us that love may not always conquer all. Dear EWC: My girlfriend and I…