Can I pass the cost onto my clients? Our elder advises a freelancer who is struggling with the ethics of their computer situation. Dear EWC Hello, I will go…
Is “rich and famous” a major?
This letter writer wants to know what to study at college to make their parents proud. Our elders admit they don’t have a crystal ball, but they do have some…
My travel dreams are on ice
This letter writer and his girlfriend dream of traveling the world; instead, struggling to save, they lay in bed and cry. Our elder suggests an incremental approach. Dear EWC…
Working 9-5
That’s no way to make a living. Should I quit and follow my dream? Our elder advises taking it slowly. Dear EWC I studied psychology in my undergraduate…
And then the pandemic happened
This letter writer loved to study until Covid-19 hit. Now they just feel stuck. Can our elder help them get their mojo back? Dear EWC I’m a college…
Motivation for med school
I have a place at med school but now I’m terrified. Help! It seems clear that your heart wants this, says our elder. Now, let’s break it down into steps…
Work, life, study… help!
This letter writer is juggling it all. Should she put her studies on hold to move out with her partner? It’s tough, says our elder. But you’ll get through it…
Dropped out, no license…
Is it too late to fix my life and have a career? It’s never too late, says our elder. You can start by getting your G.E.D. Dear EWC Hello….
I want to do culinary arts but…
Those jobs are stressful, right? A letter writer feels uncertain about what to do when she leaves school. Our elder has a gap year idea that might help. Dear…
How can I find a career?
Nothing sparks my interest, but I do love animals. Well that’s a start, says our elder. Dear EWC I’m 28 and feel like I am not doing anything with…