Office politics can be tricky, cautions our elder. Here’s how to regain the trust of your manager. Dear EWC: What do you do when you’ve solved a problem and your…
To take the nanny job or not?
It’s my goal but is it the right move? Our elder cautions against rushing in when the conditions aren’t right. Dear EWC: I’ve been working in the same part-time retail…
Playing the field?
When it comes to planning for your career, our elder says that’s OK. Dear EWC: Since I was a freshman in high school, I have felt I needed to major…
Afraid to try—or to fail?
When your first impulse is to run, our elder says fear not. And finish those projects you started. Dear EWC: Well, I am a 20-year old guy in college. I…
What if I make the wrong choice?
Sometimes it’s hard to know if we’re on the right path. Our elder points out the intriguing possibilities of navigating the unknown. Dear EWC: For the past year and a…
Don’t let fear take the wheel
Afraid things will go downhill? Our elder admits we all make mistakes. Don’t let them keep you off the path you’ve chosen. Dear EWC: I’m a college student majoring in…
What’s in a name?
For this aspiring scribe, it’s a link to some of her ‘racy’ writing. Time for a nom de plume? Our elder weighs in on adopting a new pen name. Dear…
Can I major in excitement?
When you’re torn between finding your passion and following a reasonable path, our elder says, “Relax!” No need to make a hasty career decision when declaring your major. Dear EWC:…
Pressure along the career path
What to do when your heart wants to take a different route? Our elder offers a roadmap for moving forward while exploring your options. Dear EWC: Hi, I’m a high…
Police academy or college?
I want to become a police officer to make a difference, but I don’t know how. Public Safety needs people like you, says our elder. Follow your dream! Dear EWC…