My friend is mad at me because I kissed her ex – but she didn’t know we were hooking up before she even dated him. Should I come clean? Absolutely,…
My boyfriends other girlfriend
He only chats to her online, but it’s ruining my sleep. Am I right to be worried? I’m not surprised you’re losing sleep, says our elder. He needs to address…
From astrology to anti-vaxxer
The mother of my son is taking conspiracy theories way too far. I’m embarrassed. What should I do? I can’t tell you for sure, says our elder. But get that…
Dating gives me panic attacks
Whenever my girlfriend wants to see me, I get so anxious I throw up. Your body is telling you something, says our elder. See a counselor to help find the…
My bf’s too popular with girls
Other girls like my boyfriend way too much, and it’s making me anxious. This doesn’t sound like a good match, says our elder. Let him go gently. Dear EWC…
Is 50/50 finance still a thing?
How to handle finances between a man and a woman? Our elder could write 20 pages on this – but for now, it’s enough to know that there’s no ‘right’…
I’m now onto Guy #3
Why do I keep racking up lovers? Our elder suspects a letter writer may be mistaking attention for love. EWC Letter Hello, my problem is, I am very caring,…
How will I know when it’s love?
I’ve never dated. How will I know when I’m in love – and if he loves me? While we all experience love differently, our elder has some tips and strategies….
It’s just platonic, right?
My boyfriend is a bit too close to a female friend for comfort; should I say something? Yes, says our elder – but be prepared for the outcomes. Dear…
He just wants sex – I’m a virgin
I don’t feel comfortable going there yet. Should we break up? Listen to your instincts, says our elder, and find someone who respects your boundaries. Dear EWC Okay so my…