We were friends but now he’s avoiding me. Well you weren’t wrong, says our elder. But your timing might have been a bit off. Dear EWC Hi! I hope…
“Why are you even with me?”
Whenever we argue, my husband threatens divorce. Does he not want me around? Our elder believes it’s emotional blackmail, and recommends a long and honest talk. Dear EWC I…
Is it normal to feel numb?
I fought with my boyfriend and now I’m ghosting him. Is this OK? Absolutely, says our elder. Take all the time you need. Dear EWC I just found out…
Will my ex come back?
I don’t know the answer to that, says our elder. But I can advise you to live your life as if he won’t. Move on as best you can. …
No, she isn’t cheating…
So why do I keep accusing her? A letter writer has trust issues, and it’s damaging his relationship. Work on yourself before attempting to fix things, says our elder. …
Am I being too picky?
I can’t see a future with my boyfriend and I feel like I’m drowning. It’s time to be honest with yourself, and with your boyfriend, says our elder. And, no…
Being sad to keep her happy
A letter writer’s girlfriend won’t stop texting her ex, and he feels like a doormat. Share your truth, says our elder – and listen to hers. Dear EWC I’m…
His ex is a prostitute…
Not only that, he cheated on me and they have an eight-year old child together! Our elder is not impressed with a letter writer’s choice of boyfriend. Dear EWC…
Those pics of his ex…
My boyfriend has pictures of his ex on his phone. That’s toxic, right? You’re right to feel confused, says our elder. It’s time for him to make up his mind….
A better college or my GF?
A letter writer is choosing between two colleges. He prefers the more respected college and the “college experience” – but his girlfriend wants to keep him close. Dear EWC…