I’ve never dated. How will I know when I’m in love – and if he loves me? While we all experience love differently, our elder has some tips and strategies….
It’s just platonic, right?
My boyfriend is a bit too close to a female friend for comfort; should I say something? Yes, says our elder – but be prepared for the outcomes. Dear…
He just wants sex – I’m a virgin
I don’t feel comfortable going there yet. Should we break up? Listen to your instincts, says our elder, and find someone who respects your boundaries. Dear EWC Okay so my…
Was I wrong to block my ex?
We were friends but now he’s avoiding me. Well you weren’t wrong, says our elder. But your timing might have been a bit off. Dear EWC Hi! I hope…
“Why are you even with me?”
Whenever we argue, my husband threatens divorce. Does he not want me around? Our elder believes it’s emotional blackmail, and recommends a long and honest talk. Dear EWC I…
Is it normal to feel numb?
I fought with my boyfriend and now I’m ghosting him. Is this OK? Absolutely, says our elder. Take all the time you need. Dear EWC I just found out…
Will my ex come back?
I don’t know the answer to that, says our elder. But I can advise you to live your life as if he won’t. Move on as best you can. …
No, she isn’t cheating…
So why do I keep accusing her? A letter writer has trust issues, and it’s damaging his relationship. Work on yourself before attempting to fix things, says our elder. …
Am I being too picky?
I can’t see a future with my boyfriend and I feel like I’m drowning. It’s time to be honest with yourself, and with your boyfriend, says our elder. And, no…
Being sad to keep her happy
A letter writer’s girlfriend won’t stop texting her ex, and he feels like a doormat. Share your truth, says our elder – and listen to hers. Dear EWC I’m…