“You really messed up,” says our elder. Even if you can’t win her back, here’s how to lose the jealousy and learn from your mistakes. Dear EWC: Me and my…
Is it a non-engagement ring?
He proposed but she’s not sure what. He’s happy. She’s not convinced. And what about the dog? Our elder helps unravel this tangled relationship. Dear EWC: Hi. I have been…
Is this guy a sexual predator?
Yes, says our elder, and cautions against ignoring the red flags. Read on for his advice on how to end this online exploitation. Dear EWC: I met this man online…
This girlfriend’s got issues
There’s a new baby on the way but she wants nothing to do with his young son. Our elder says this conflicted dad is right to be concerned. Dear EWC:…
She left me heartbroken
Seven months into an amazing relationship and now she’s with someone new… Our elder has a few ideas for picking up the pieces of a broken heart. Dear EWC: So,…
A border between us
If he’s in Canada and she’s in the U.S., can this relationship work? That might not be the only hurdle, says our elder. Here’s what to consider. Dear EWC: Hi,…
The curve that is coronavirus
Can this couple survive so much time alone? Team up, says our elder, and you just might find new ways to be together. Dear EWC: My boyfriend Sam and I…
Still crushing on him
Does a long-time crush make me a loser? Our elder thinks not and has a few suggestions on how to catch his eye—at any age! Dear EWC: Hi! So, I…
A relationship worth keeping?
Our elder outlines the traits to look for when you’re deciding whether to make it work or let it go. Dear EWC: Hello! I am in an 8-month relationship and…
How real is the proof?
When it comes to trust, do you believe your BF or his ex? Don’t let fear take control, says our elder. Believe in yourself and your relationship. Dear EWC: Thank…