Is this a sign that he isn’t interested? This letter writer is confused about a coworker. Our elder advises keeping it platonic for now – dating a colleague can be…
Fools rush in…
After a failed relationship, this letter writer has met a nice guy but is scared of making a move. Don’t be put off by your last experience, says our elder….
I told my doctor I love him
Then he canceled my next appointments! What if I never speak to him again? It’s not uncommon to fall for your doctor, says our elder. But it’s time to find…
I missed one message…
… and now she’s dumped me! This letter writer’s girlfriend expected him to drop everything whenever she wanted. Let her go and take your time to heal, says our elder….
I fell for his blushes…
… But then he rejected me! Does this guy like me or not? I don’t know, says our elder. But here’s how to navigate the flirtation game next time around….
He hurt me; then he got sick
The guy I’m dating still won’t commit, but now he’s struggling with his diagnosis and needs support. Should I keep seeing him? He’s playing you, says our elder. You deserve…
My former sister-in-law
I’m bi, she’s flirty… should I do something? First, says our elder, figure out how you really feel. Then be honest with her. Dear EWC So, I’m 26 female,…
Following my ex to California
This letter writer is feeling depressed. Could their ex in California be the solution? Our elder advises getting to the root of their problems with their current girlfriend first. …
Can’t get him out of my head
So why has he stopped communicating with me? Our elder has some advice for a letter writer who has lost the bond with her crush: stay upbeat and keep it…
No we can’t just be friends yet
My ex and I are both hurting but I need time apart before we can be friends. Thing is, I still can’t get over her. There’s no simple solution, says…