I’m finding freshman year hard, and I feel so dumb. Should I transfer to community college? That sounds like a good plan, says our elder. You don’t sound dumb to…
Did I waste my summer?
I’m doing an internship this summer, and I’m struggling — all the other interns are way ahead of me. Nothing lasts forever, says our elder. Take this opportunity to be…
Move schools after bullying?
I was bullied at my high school. Should I transfer to another school nearby? Our elder has three guides to help our letter writer decide. Dear EWC I am a…
Don’t make me do nursing!
A college student has torn between her own dreams and her parents’ insistence on a nursing major. It’s a tricky conversation, says our elder, but you have to tell them…
Why is university like this?
It’s not how I thought it would be! Our elder has some words of wisdom for a letter writer who is finding her first year of university more of a…
A once-in-a-lifetime chance…
… Should I take it? A student has the opportunity to study abroad but isn’t sure whether to go for it. Our elder says: Yes, yes, yes! Dear EWC I’m…
I’ve got the college jitters!
I’m excited to head off to college — but scared at the same time. Can our elder help a high school senior prepare for the next stage? Dear EWC Hello!…
New school hates my old school!
I’m excited to be moving schools for a sophomore year but I’m worried I’ll get picked on because of my “artsy” old school. Should I just lie about it? Don’t…
Stop partying and let me sleep!
My college roommate keeps coming home drunk in the small hours and waking me up. What can I do? You’ve tried to talk to her, says our elder, so it…
Should I join a math club?
A letter writer has been invited to join a math club but doesn’t know whether to take the plunge. Go for it, says our elder. You never regret doing; only…