The all-too-real impact of the pandemic weighs heavily for this student. Our elder suggests seeking expert opinions before making any decisions. Dear EWC: Hello, I am a 16-year-old female that…
Intellect vs. passion
When choosing a university how do you decide which path to follow? Our elder says when you know what you want, you’ll know what to do. Dear EWC: In the…
Is COVID-19 just an excuse?
We’re all questioning our choices, says our elder. But don’t let the pandemic alter the course of your future. Dear EWC: I took a gap year after my A levels…
How much is too much?
For this ambitious junior, the list is long. “Less is more,” says our elder—and he cautions against taking on everything. Dear EWC: Hi! I’m a junior in high school, and…
Not a fan of change?
Neither is this high school senior. Find out how our elder suggests leaving the familiar and embracing the unknown. Dear EWC: Hello, I am a senior in high school, and…
Filling in the gap
What to do when you’re confused about college and considering a year off? Our elder says, “Don’t rush yourself.” Dear EWC: Hi! So I am going into my senior year…
Eyes on the prize
How to balance the needs of today with your goals for the future? Our elder cautions that it’s a lot to juggle. Weigh your options carefully. Dear EWC: Hello. I’m…
Mean girls… Or boys?
If you’re not getting along with either, our elder suggests that maybe it’s you. Here’s how to be the kind of friend you’d like to have. Dear EWC: Would going…
When things don’t go your way
It’s time to learn how to handle disappointment, advises our elder. Rejection is a part of life. Dear EWC: Hi! I’m a 17-year-old girl in my senior year of high…
Out of tune with a teacher?
Chronic migraines plus a long list of obligations has this music student singing the blues. Be honest, says our elder, and have a plan to do better. Dear EWC: My…