I bottle up my problems until I just explode. How can I break the cycle? You can’t change your emotions, says our elder. But you can look at how you…
What is a full life anyway?
A high school junior wants to know. Good question, says our elder. Only you can figure out what will make you feel fulfilled. Dear EWC I am a junior…
I can’t even cut my hair!
Negative future scenarios have left a letter writer struggling with procrastination. Our elder has strategy: vision plus passion plus action. Dear EWC I have had difficulty working and getting…
Do I have gender dysphasia?
I think I might but I’m scared to look into it. Accept your feelings as they are at this moment, says our elder. Counseling might be helpful if they are…
I lied about getting into Yale
Making a fake acceptance letter with Photoshop seemed like a good idea at the time… Can our elder help a student navigate his way out of his great big lie?…
Dear 16-year-old me
What advice would you give your 16-year-old self? Our elder has a few ideas for a letter writer who’s trying to be a better person. Dear EWC Hi! Currently…
Anger issues: I just want peace
How can I let go of my anger and hatred, and be a better person? Our elder has some advice on resetting your expectations to achieve inner peace. Dear…
Addicted to friendship
Since my friends ghosted me, I can’t enjoy anything by myself. Give yourself time to adjust to getting older, says our elder. You’ll soon make new – and real –…
I’m angry at everything…
… including myself. Can our elder help a letter writer overcome their anger and – after a year of staying home due to Covid – their lack of motivation? Dear…
Help me to love myself
A letter writer seeks help on overcoming their insecurities. From staying healthy to starting a chat group, our elder has some suggestions on how to overturn a negative self-image. Dear…