How can I stop the chaos? You aren’t alone, says our elder. Try countering your negative emotions with positive thoughts. Dear EWC Whenever I write in my journal, I…
Whoah, medicine is hard!
This letter writer is having second thoughts about their career plans. Our elder has some tips on choosing a path that fits. Dear EWC You know that feeling, when…
Tired of talking first
When I meet new people, it’s always me who makes the first approach. Should I wait for them to talk first? Be optimistic, says our elder. Positive affirmations are a…
Starting college: I’m lost!
This letter writer is scared about starting college life and making friends with people. Our elder has some helpful tips: Make eye contact, show interest, and don’t forget to smile….
Third time lucky?
This letter writer is sitting the university entrance exam for the third time. Can our elder help her find the motivation to sit down and study this time? Dear…
I think I’m a disgusting person
OCD has pushed me to the edge of my sanity. Am I alone with this? Not at all, says our elder. Reach out for professional help where you can discuss…
So much to do, so little time…
Time management is overwhelming, so why am I even thinking about finding a job? You can do it, says our elder. Here’s how to conquer the to-do list. Dear…
Too anxious to go out
This letter writer lacks the confidence to socialize with her friends outside of school. Our elder has some reassuring words to help her break free from social avoidance. Dear…
I can’t make the grade
This letter writer wants to become a software developer but just can’t get the marks at college. Are you sure this is the right career choice for you, asks our…
What comes after “Hi”?
A tongue-tied letter writer struggles to talk to people they don’t know well. Our letter writer shares their favorite conversation starters. Dear EWC I recently realized that I have…