All my life, I’ve been dismissed and brushed aside. I have a successful life — so why is everyone still treating me like this? Our elder has some strategies for…
Stop being so stubborn
A letter writer feels that she’s too argumentative, and she wants to change. It’s good to stand up for what you believe in, says our elder. How about channeling your…
Should I shave my head?
A letter writer wants to shave her hair off, but worries that she might regret it and spiral back into bad habits. Can our elder help her feel better about…
I messed up my trumpet solo!
A letter writer is mortified after screwing up an important concert solo. Can a bit of encouragement help them get their mojo back? Dear EWC I play the trumpet and…
Quit judging me already!
Why do my family and friends make me out to be a loser just because I’m not as accomplished as my older brother? Continue to live by your values, says…
Thank you for not smoking
How can I get my boyfriend to quit smoking? I’m afraid it’s up to him, says our elder. You have done everything you can. Dear EWC Hello, I am hoping…
Will I ever find work after jail?
A young letter writer is scared that he’ll never get work after a past misdemeanor. Our elder has some words of reassurance. Dear EWC I am 20 years old and…
How do I let go of my dream?
A letter writer longs to see his novels published, but recognizes that it’s probably never going to happen. Don’t give up, says our elder. Dear EWC I write novels as…
Am I a sex addict?
A letter writer has worked hard to overcome a difficult background, but still seeks solace in casual sex. Can our elder help her break the habit? Dear EWC I’m turning…
Please pay for my therapy!
I’m depressed and I want to have therapy — but I’m scared my parents won’t want to pay. Don’t panic, says our elder. There is always help out there. Dear…