What’s stopping me leaving home? Our elder helps a letter writer move past his emotional blocks and make a moving-out plan. Dear EWC I am still in California and living…
Help! All my friends are stoners
A letter writer wants to ditch the weed and move on with her life. Our elder has some suggestions. Dear EWC Hello! I am very lost and need some advice….
How can I turn vegetarian?
A teen wants to explore being vegetarian but worries about what their parents will think. Perhaps it’s time to start making yourself useful in the kitchen, suggests our elder. …
Is it rude not to eat lunch?
When you invite people to lunch and all they do is drink coffee, is it normal to feel annoyed? Absolutely, agrees our elder. These people have no manners: Chow down…
I just want to hide in the stockroom
A letter writer worries that her managers want her out front just because she’s pretty. Can our elder convince her to step out of her comfort zone? Dear EWC…
How can I gain muscle?
A 15-year-old worries that his legs look thin and small. How can he get more confidence around girls? Our elder has some advice to help build muscle slowly—and safely. …
The downside of my famous dad
A teenager asks: Do I have to play basketball just because dad used to be a star? Talk to your parents, says our elder, and find an activity you love….
Help Me Stop the Negative Thoughts
Help Me Stop the Negative Thoughts Original Letter I really want to be more positive with myself daily but it never works. I don’t have any confidence whatsoever,…
Feeling Targeted Because of My Race
Feeling Targeted Because of My Race Original Letter Dear Elder, As a young black woman working in Hospitality I find such a struggle in keeping my calm composure….
So Many Regrets
So Many Regrets Original Letter Hi! I’m finishing my freshman year of college as a music major and I have so many regrets and have made so many…