My inner voice keeps telling me something bad will happen. Life has its ups and downs, says our elder. We all encounter ups and downs; just keep on getting back…
Canceling plans due to anxiety
How can I stop overthinking? It’s ruining my social life! Our elder has some tips on how this letter writer can overcome their social anxiety and build new skills. Dear…
Everyone hates me!
I know it’s the paranoia talking – but how can I make it stop? There’s no quick fix, says our elder. But I’d start by talking to a counselor. …
I can’t even order a coffee!
A 16-year-old letter writer is overcome with anxiety. Our elder has some tips on how to deal with self-rejection. Dear EWC I am 16 years old and I am…
Dear 16-year-old me…
In a bid to be a better person, this letter writer turned to our elder for advice. What would he say to his 16-year-old self? Dear EWC Hi! Currently…
Breakups make me happy
Whenever I end a relationship, it gives me joy. Is this unhealthy? It might be time to take a good look at the people you are choosing to hang out…
The silent treatment
This letter writer spends the day in silence when she can’t concentrate. How can she stop? It could just be your own way of dealing with stress, says our elder….
That voice in my head
Our elder advises a letter writer who’s struggling with perfectionism. Question your inner voice, and seek help if you are feeling desperate. Dear EWC I have this problem. I…
Can’t stop goofing around
This letter writer finds it hard to focus. Our elder shares his tips on how to prioritize your time. Dear EWC So, I have a problem where in school…
I keep falling for girls…
And my Muslim family won’t like it. You may have to compromise, says our elder. But whatever happens, know this: you are not a sin. Dear EWC I am…