Our elder has some confidence-boosting advice for a letter writer who is doubting himself after facing rejections from prospective employers. Dear EWC I’ve been wondering for a while: how…
My dreams – or my boyfriend?
Good grades, Princeton, glittering career… this letter writer had it all worked out until the boyfriend came along. Can our elder help with this new juggling act? Dear EWC…
I’m terrified of rain
… and it’s ruining my life! I haven’t been outside for three months. There’s a name for your phobia, says our elder. You’re not alone – and here’s what you…
Haunted by the mean girls
It’s been 11 years! Our elder has some suggestions for a letter writer who is still trying to rebuild their self-esteem after being bullied at summer camp as a teen….
Why can’t I get braces, Mom?
This letter writer is very self-conscious about their crooked teeth – but their parents won’t help. Our elder has some strategies for getting the support they need. Dear EWC…
I feel like a disappointment
This letter writer has a long list of things that she thinks is wrong with her. Don’t be so hard on yourself, says our elder. Consider therapy, and try a…
Tired of pretending to be happy
I feel like I’ve given up and now I just feel angry. How can I get back on my feet? I don’t have the answers, says our elder. But you…
Am I gender fluid?
This letter writer is questioning their gender identity and is unsure how their older relatives will react. Maintain your self-respect and explore your identity, says our elder. And be assured…
I still miss my dad
He died in September and I can’t get through the pain. It is possible to move on, says our elder. Start with finding someone to talk to. Dear EWC…
How can I stop being naive?
I’m 22 but I don’t feel like an adult. Life is all one big learning experience, says our elder. Stay optimistic and you’ll become better at judging people and situations…