Raven wrote in to Elder Wisdom Circle with conflicted feelings about a friendship that she felt could be something more. She had had a long-distance relationship with this friend in…
Focus on Yourself and Look at the Bigger Picture
Sim wrote in to Elder Wisdom Circle, filled with social anxiety around birthday plans. She was trying to come up with plans with either her friends or her family, but…
The Price of Love is Making Yourself Vulnerable
Hareem wrote in to Elder Wisdom Circle from West London, England, distressed about the end of a tumultuous relationship. She had written in previously to express her concerns over how…
Analysis Paralysis
Florence reached out to Elder Wisdom Circle in mental anguish. She expressed that she was suffering from constantly overthinking. She would cry over little things, and put way too much…
Sitting Together in a Quiet, Calm Living Room
Hope wrote into Elder Wisdom Circle distressed about a situation in her relationship. She confessed that she had cheated on her boyfriend only a few days after they started dating,…
The Strength Inside to Resolve the Issue
Sandy wrote in to Elder Wisdom Circle deeply distressed about her relationship. Her boyfriend of seven years, with whom she had a daughter, broke up with her, saying that he…
Stay Present in the Moment
Shirley wrote in to Elder Wisdom Circle looking for help with her low self-esteem and inability to make friends. She had recently moved into a dormitory, and despite being surrounded…
Seek Friendships to Increase the Chances of Romance
Peter wrote in to Elder Wisdom Circle concerned about his ability to be in a relationship—primarily with a romantic partner but also in the sense of making friends. He tried…
I Want to Choose a Completely Different Life
Leeah reached out to Elder Wisdom Circle in a letter he entitled, “I want to choose a completely different life.” He was in his third year in law school, and…
Life is about fine-tuning
Zoe reached out to Elder Wisdom Circle feeling confused and disheartened. She began by saying that her life was a normal one, where she got average grades and had little…