Our volunteers at ElderWisdomCircle dispense such wise, warm-hearted advice that we couldn’t resist sharing some gems with you too. If you want to ask for advice right now check out the ask for advice page.
We post a new problem and the advice here twice per week so check back regularly (or subscribe) to find out what’s bothering our young letter writers, and what their wise older mentors have to say about it.
I hope you’ll feel inspired to apply their wisdom to your own life—and remember, if there’s something on your mind, our elders are always here to help.
Doug Meckelson
I can’t keep dating my boss…
… but if I leave him to move home, I’ll be back where I started. Your life has progressed, says ...
My husband has a secret child…
… and he wants me to help him pay child support! Leave him, says our elder. There are plenty of ...
What is wrong with me?
Everything is going right — so why can’t I get out of bed? Our elder is no medical expert, but ...
I only date weirdos…
… and then I let them hurt me. How can I end this cycle? Our elder has some strategies to ...
BF stole my Tinder crush!
I met a guy on Tinder and introduced him to my friend… and now they’re shutting me out. Should I ...
Ew! Stop with the PDA already!
My best friend and her boyfriend are always making out and now I hate hanging out with them. You can’t ...
It’s Dad’s fault I hate piano!
I used to love playing the piano, but I’m losing my passion for it. Is my dad’s criticism to blame, ...
How can I stand up for myself?
When people call me names or take my stuff, I don’t have the courage to say anything. You are stronger ...
Is 18 too young to get married?
My family have threatened to abandon me if I walk down the aisle before I graduate! Well it is a ...
I’m about to get fired…
… and I know it’s because I’m lazy. Hey, lots of us are lazy, says our elder. But you can ...