Offer Advice and Enrich Your Life and the Lives of Others
Join the ElderWisdomCircle™
The Elder Wisdom Circle is an online inter-generational program pairing advice-seekers with a network of seniors (“Elders”) who provide empathetic, caring, and supportive advice based on their own life experiences.
Elders answer advice letters via the Internet, offering advice-seekers of younger generations free, personalized advice on a wide range of topics: love and relationships, family and child-rearing, career and self-improvement, and more.
So, if you are age 55 or over and looking for a way to help those in their teens, twenties, thirties, and beyond, please consider joining the hundreds of seniors who participate in this noble cause.
How Does it Work?
Elders may participate in one of three ways:
Individual Elders work from home on their computers and reply to letters independently.
Facilitated-Individual Elders work with a facilitator (a liaison between the Elder and EWC. Accordingly, the facilitator accesses letters on the EWC site, meets with the Elder, and then enters the Elder’s replies. This type of membership is commonly a family member assisting a parent or grandparent.
Elder Groups are 2 or more Elders who collectively offer advice through a facilitator (a liaison between the Elder Group and the EWC). The facilitator accesses letters on the EWC site, meets with the group, and then enters the Elder Group’s replies. Most groups meet in senior living communities.
More details
Elders or facilitators log in to the EWC website and choose the letter(s) they wish to respond to. (New Elders start with a variety of less complex letters, enabling them to get comfortable with the process; as an Elder gains experience and demonstrates more advanced skills, he or she will be able to access letters that are more complex and may also have the opportunity to serve on a committee.)
Then, once a response is written, it is routed through the Quality Team, a group of volunteers who coach Elders, review work, and in some cases make suggestions or edits to ensure compliance with EWC standards.
The response is then sent to the advice seeker under an anonymous “pen name” of the Elder’s choosing.
Advice-seekers may submit up to three (3) follow-up requests on any one issue. We work on a cooperative basis and have only one paid staff; therefore, everyone pitches in to help ensure the organization’s success. If accepted, once you have been with us for 6 months, we will contact you about ways in which you might be willing and able to further support the EWC with your talents in such areas as writing, public relations and partnerships, training and development, fundraising, etc.
What are the benefits of becoming an Elder?
- Help others! The feedback we receive from our advice-seekers says it all – 90.1% of advice-seekers were satisfied or very satisfied with the advice they received.
- Help others! The feedback we receive from our advice-seekers says it all – 90.1% of advice-seekers were satisfied or very satisfied with the advice they received.
- Help yourself! Offer advice and make a connection. View the sidebar on the right of this page for testimonials from current Elders.
- Help yourself! Offer advice and make a connection. View the sidebar on the right of this page for testimonials from current Elders.
- Participate at your schedule and pace.
- Participate at your schedule and pace.
- Foster inter-generational dialogue.
- Foster inter-generational dialogue.
- Contribute to the organization’s growth and success. We greatly value our Elder’s input and actively solicit ideas and suggestions for improvement from our volunteers.
- Contribute to the organization’s growth and success. We greatly value our Elder’s input and actively solicit ideas and suggestions for improvement from our volunteers.
- Belong to one of the most popular advice services on the Internet.
- Belong to one of the most popular advice services on the Internet.
- Be part of an amazing group of dedicated, diverse, and FUN volunteers!
- Be part of an amazing group of dedicated, diverse, and FUN volunteers!
TO APPLY, click here.
“The EWC makes it possible for me to share all the knowledge I have gained through the years I have lived. Think of all the people I am helping.”
– EWC Elder

“ I have tried many volunteer activities, but this is the only one that has sunk an anchor deep into my soul… This activity keeps me engaged – even when I’m in my pajamas.”
– EWC Elder

“I give advice because I have the opportunity to inspire young people all over the world to live their best lives!”
– EWC Elder